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CAP Collaboration Series: New Details from Hammer & Hand’s 2016 Best Practices Manual

Join our Corporate Allied Partner Hammer & Hand for an hour long Continuing Education class on managing heat, air, and moisture in walls and roof assemblies in the Pacific Northwest.

Course Description

See Hammer & Hand’s field-tested details for managing heat, air, and moisture in walls and roof assemblies in the Pacific Northwest. H&H’s first edition of its Best Practices Manual focused on proper moisture management in buildings, with particular emphasis on fluid-applied flashing for window and door installation, construction of ventilated rain screens, its strategies for new basement construction and basement retrofits, as well as other details. The new 2016 edition builds on those details, adding substantial new chapters about walls and roof assemblies and how to effectively manage for heat, air, and moisture, three key determinants of building durability, efficiency, occupant comfort, and health. This session will delve into those details, supported by dozens of illustrated graphics. Session participants will receive complimentary copies of the 2016 Best Practices Manual. Hammer & Hand’s Best Practices Manual has evolved into a guidebook of field-tested construction details, many shaped by the firm’s experience in high performance passive building. The details contained in the Best Practices Manual continue to evolve and deepen, informed by H&H’s ongoing experience in the field and collaboration with architects and other industry professionals.

Learning Objectives

  • Compare field-tested construction details with the details already used in participants’ practice, and relative efficacy in managing for water, air, and heat.
  • Explore the merits of vapor-open, airtight, super-insulated wall assemblies for delivering building durability, efficiency, occupant comfort, and health in the PNW.
  • Acquire the tools to detail a cost-effective, comparatively simple high performance wall assembly tailored to the Pacific NW maritime climate.
  • Understand manage moisture in both flat and sloped roofs, and how thermal layers must interact with vapor barriers to prevent condensation.


$10 for AIA Members
$40 for Non-Members

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Please Register by October 17, 2016.


Special thanks to our Corporate Allied Partner: Hammer & Hand for presenting this class and their partnership!



October 18, 2016
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Event Price
$10 - $40
Class Credit


AIA Seattle
(206) 448-4938


Center for Architecture & Design
1010 Western AVE
Seattle, WA 98104 United States
+ Google Map

Seattle Design Festival

CAP Collaboration Series: New Details from Hammer & Hand’s 2016 Best Practices Manual

Join our Corporate Allied Partner Hammer & Hand for an hour long Continuing Education class on managing heat, air, and moisture in walls and roof assemblies in the Pacific Northwest. Course Description See Hammer & Hand’s field-tested details for managing heat, air, and moisture in walls and roof assemblies in the Pacific Northwest. H&H’s first edition of its Best Practices Manual focused on proper moisture management in buildings, with particular emphasis on fluid-applied flashing for window and door installation, construction of…